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SAVONIA, Energy Cluster North Savo, ESEIA: The 6th ESEIA International Conference: “Net Zero and Beyond” in Kuopio 4th December, registration by 20th November 2024!


Welcome to Kuopio

Welcome to the 6th ESEIA International Conference that will be organized on 4 December 2024 in Kuopio, Finland.

The name of the conference, “Net Zero and Beyond”, encapsulates our urgent need to establish a sustainable energy system – net zero – while simultaneously finding ways to achieve carbon negativity. As the global climate crisis intensifies, merely reaching net-zero emissions is no longer sufficient. We must also explore strategies to actively remove carbon from the atmosphere, creating a net-positive impact on our environment.

This conference will address a broad spectrum of topics essential to our ambitious goal – net zero. We will delve into the latest advancements in renewable energy, energy storage, and smart technologies, while also discussing innovative policy frameworks and community engagement strategies. Our aim is not only to share cutting-edge research and practical solutions but also to inspire collaborative efforts that transcend traditional boundaries and push the envelope of what is possible in the realm of sustainable energy. Hopefully, during the conference we get insights for carbon negative future.

The ESEIA Conference is organized by Savonia University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance and Energy Cluster North Savo.


Get together is on 3rd December 2024.
Seminar and Dinner are on 4th December 2024.


The Seminar will take place at Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Microkatu 1, Kuopio, Finland.

There will be ”Get together” as pre event at Kuopion Klubi and after the Seminar there will be Dinner at Luoto Kuopio.

You are warmly welcome to the Conference!

Further information, registration and full program:

Programme – ESEIA Conference 2024 (



Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Microkatu 1
Kuopio, Pohjois-Savo 70210 Finland
+ Google Map
Näytä Tapahtumapaikka WWW-sivusto


Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Energy Cluster North Savo