FITECH -Tampereen Yliopisto: Hydrogen end-use and infrastructure -verkkokurssi (jatkuva ilmoittautuminen)
Aihe: Vetytalous/ Opetuskieli: Englanti
Kurssikoodi: XYH-FITEC-M02
Opintopisteet: 4 ECTS
Hinta: 0 €
Kuka voi hakea: Aikuisopiskelija, Tutkinto-opiskelija
This course is designed in collaboration with Tampere University, Gasgrid and the University of Oulu. It gives a good understanding of the possibilities of hydrogen in transportation and moving machines.
Course contents
- Basics of fuel cells
- Electrification of moving working machines by means of hydrogen and other energy sources
- Hydrogen and e-fuels in powering of road transportation, marine and aviation applications
- Basics of hydrogen networks
Learning outcomes
After successfully completing this course, the student has a comprehensive understanding on
- operation of fuel cells
- hydrogen as a fuel in moving working machines and transportation (roads, marine, aviation)
- structures and properties of hydrogen networks
Course material
See the course platform.
Completion methods
This course is organised as self study and can be studied at your own pace.
Later there will be an additional 1 ECTS content on hydrogen use in vehicles. Students who have completed the 4 ECTS course, can complete this part separately.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
Vety, vetytalous, vetytalouden arvoketju, kuljetus, electrofuels, meriliikenne, lentoliikenne, maaliikenne
Tampereen yliopisto
Teemu Rauhala
Hakua koskevat kysymykset
Fanny Qvickström, Opintoasioiden suunnittelija