FITECH -Oulun Yliopisto: Hydrogen production and storage -verkkokurssi (hakuaikaa 15.9.2024 asti)
Aihe: Vetytalous/ Opetuskieli: Englanti
Kurssikoodi: TP00AM94
Opintopisteet: 5–7 ECTS
Hinta: 0 €
Kurssin ajankohta: 1.9.–30.11.2024
Kuka voi hakea: Aikuisopiskelija, Tutkinto-opiskelija
The course provides the student understanding about hydrogen production technologies, hydrogen storage and safety issues. It also covers the new hydrogen production technologies currently under research. This 5+2 credit course is realized in cooperation with the universities of Oulu (the course coordinator), Jyväskylä, Tampere, and Eastern Finland.
Course contents
- Hydrogen chemistry
- Hydrogen production and safety
- Digitalisation in hydrogen and P2X processes
- Hydrogen storage – systematic approach and new material solutions
Learning outcomes
After successfully completing this course, the student
- has a comprehensive understanding on hydrogen production
- knows why and how hydrogen is stored and what safety issues needs to be considered.
Teaching schedule
Self study on the course platform.
Completion methods
- Lecture recordings and exercises (80% completed) for 5 ECTS (pass/fail).
- In addition to these requirements, by completing the course examination it is possible to gain +2 ECTS (altogether 7 ECTS) and get a course grade. The exam is completed online.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
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Hakua koskevat kysymykset
Fanny Qvickström, Opintoasioiden suunnittelija