Energy was charged from hydrogen in Tampere

The North Savo Energy Cluster networked on a current theme last week, when the Hydrogen Summit and Expo event was organized on January 22-23rd, 2025 at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Center. The main theme of the event was Charge Yourself For The Hydrogen Era. Kirsi Kinnunen, the branch manager of the energy cluster went to get energy from the event with synergy with the project director of our affiliated project North Savo Energy Masterplan Kasperi Vuorikari and project manager Kirsi Pelkonen. The day-long visit offered expert and valuable perspectives from the experts represented both on stage and at the stands.

Interesting speeches were heard at the event. In his speech Janne Peljo, the leading expert of the Confederation of Finnish Industries, pointed out that the year 2025 is important in terms of investments and new investment decisions. Peljo pointed out that hydrogen projects worth about 25 billion euros are planned for Finland. He also strongly emphasized the view that Finland is a very competitive environment for green hydrogen projects. This is naturally a positive thing for our cluster’s own stakeholders, who also develop their activities around hydrogen.

In his speech, Peljo emphasized that this is supported by Finland’s cost-effective electricity system, strong network infrastructure, without forgetting our excellent renewable energy potential and biogenic carbon dioxide resources. Peljo also saw as an advantage that there is plenty of clean water available in Finland and the opportunity to use waste heat in the district heating network. According to him, the government aims to double the production of clean electricity, and the goal in Finland is clear; 10% share of the EU`s green hydrogen market by 2030. “We definitely see this as a positive signal for our own cluster networks and our member companies that are planning future business operations for the hydrogen market“, says branch manager Kirsi Kinnunen, from Navitas Business Services.

Boosting investments through incentives

Large investments were also a topic in Peljo’s expert speech. Among other things, the tax incentive for large industrial investments (CAPEX) came up, which is an important booster for investments. It is possible to grant tax relief for large investments of at least 50 million euros and no more than 150 million euros, which promote a clean transition and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The amount of the subsidy is 20 percent of the investment costs and it is deductible from corporate tax. This 400 million euro grant program is available until the end of 2025. Smaller clean transition investments are allocated their own direct support program.

On January 9th 2025, the Finnish government issued a decree on the clean transition of the industrial investment support program, and the government decree on the support program entered into force on January 13, 2025 when applications for support opened. The program applies to investments carried out in Finland, the eligible costs of which are at least 30 million euros. The support program can grant state aid for significant investments in phasing out the use of fossil fuels in industrial production processes and improving the energy efficiency of production processes.

In addition, grants can be granted for new investments in certain strategic sectors in terms of the transition to a climate-neutral economy. These include e.g. investments in different stages of the manufacturing chain of batteries or carbon dioxide recovery, utilization, and storage.

The implementation of the support program will be regulated by a government decree as soon as possible, after which Business Finland will open a grant application. State aid decisions according to the support program will be made by the end of year 2025. The support program contributes to the government’s climate and economic policy goals. (Source: Press release of the Ministry of Labor and the Economy on 16th December 2024).

To networking through panel discussions

We also participated with interest in the working group meeting organized by Vetyklusteri – H2 Cluster Finland. The panel included Hydrogen Europe experts from different European countries and the topic was the EU’s hydrogen regulation and operating environment and the schedule for implementing these regulations and directives.

Our energy cluster also actively networked and our branch manager visited Gasgrid’s stand and met Heli Virkki, Head of Hydrogen Valley Development and Customer Projects, Gasgrid Vetyverkot Oy and Sanni Kontinen, Development Manager, Hydrogen Valleys, Gasgrid Finland. Kinnunen invited Kontinen to participate with Gasgrid’s expert speech in our cluster’s a show of strength in spring at Eastern Finland Energy Days on May 13-14th, 2025 at Vesileppis Areena in Leppävirta.

Kinnunen reminds all cluster networks and experts to monitor the websites of the North Savo Energy Cluster. “We will communicate the program content of the Eastern Finland Energy Days during the spring. In addition to large regional strategic themes, during the event days we focus on the emergence of regional expertise, development and techniques. We welcome everyone to the event!“. Event registration for the Eastern Finland Energy Days opens in February, and the event plan can already be found on our cluster’s website;

The development work of the North Savo Energy cluster did start in the development project of the R&D ecosystem of North Savo Energy Technology, EnEko2020. The implementation period of the North Savo Energy Cluster project is 1st of October 2022 to 31st of March 2026, and the project is financed by the The Regional Council of North Savo association through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the Renewing and competent Finland 2021-2027 program (EU regional and structural policy program). Municipalities, cities and companies in the surrounding area also participate in financing.

Navitas Business Services is the main implementer of the project, and Savonia University of Applied Sciences and Savo Vocational College are the sub-implementers.

For more information:

Kirsi Kinnunen, Sector Manager, Pohjois-Savo Energy Cluster tel. 044 794 9704 or

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