Aalto University: Introduction to hydrogen economy -online course (Application deadline 5th of October 2024)
Topics: Chemical process and environmental engineering, Energy engineering, Hydrogen economy, Mechanical engineering
Course code: ELEC-E8432
Study credits: 5 ECTS
Price: 0 €
The course provides the student a general understanding about the hydrogen economy and its value chain. It covers the integration of hydrogen economy to power and energy systems, the role of hydrogen in energy and power markets, the basics of hydrogen production, storing and utilisation, as well as the role of derivatives of hydrogen.
Course contents
- Power generation, transmission and use
- Power markets and power balance management
- Smart grids, sector coupling (power, heat, gas)
- Energy storage systems
- Hydrogen production: basic chemistry and technical solutions
- Hydrogen storages and material questions
- Hydrogen safety and legislation
- The use of hydrogen
- Derivatives of hydrogen
- Life cycle analysis of the hydrogen solutions
- Energy markets and global energy resources
- Energy politics, green transition and geopolitics
Learning outcomes
The course gives basic understanding of hydrogen economy and its value chain, which is one of the corner stones in decarbonisation of industrial activities and communities.
Course materials
Handouts, slides and videos delivered in Moodle.
Completion methods
Tasks and small essays made independently in Moodle.
More information in the Aalto University study guide.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
Read more and apply!
Responsible teacher
Aalto University
Matti Lehtonen
Contact person for applications
FITech Network University
Fanny Qvickström, Student services specialist